Monday, June 30, 2014

First, if you like women with long hair, then fucking talk to women with long hair. I like my hair just the way it is. I'm not growing it or cutting it to meet the preferences of anyone. Do you want me to bleach away my freckles and buy blue contacts while I'm at it??? THIS IS WHO I FUCKING AM. Deal with it or get lost. 

For two, he makes the assumption that I would want to actually be within grabbing distance. He's one of those guys--the kind that never hears "no" because he assumes that he's everyone's type, and if someone doesn't want him, he has been wrongfully friendzoned because women. Yeah. I'm tired of that shit. Every single person has the right to be attracted to whoever they want. There's no guarantee that just because you want to plow someone that they'll be willing to participate. Get the fuck over yourselves, okay? 

My exact response to him word for word (and I admit, it's pretty nasty): 

Grow a beard so I can stand the sight of you. 

You're a fucking piece of shit. I hope you get herpes from some long-haired bimbo who actually falls for bullshit lines like that. 



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