Thursday, May 22, 2014

The funniest part about this message is the guy's headline reads "LETTING GO AND LETTING GOD" and when I called him out on being a hypocrite for it and not so politely let him know that I'd rather him pound his own balls until he's sterile, he called me a feminist. Yeah, ok, am I supposed to be offended? And is that where we are these days? I don't want to fuck some random assbag stranger who sends me a message like this (who wasn't even remotely physically attractive in the first place) and that makes me a feminist? It's like that fucking "friendzone" bullshit. If you're playing a role to get laid, and the lady sees through it or isn't into it, all it means is that she DOESN'T WANT TO FUCK YOU and not that she wants to date assholes or that she's a feminist who doesn't fuck anyone. (Why do people assume feminists hate sex?) It's dickholes like this that make me feel sorry for men, in general. The good ones have to work hard to prove they're not like these sorts of assclowns. --jenniy


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