Saturday, July 12, 2014

This week an enlisted Navy sailor, Nicholas Lord, decided it would be cool if he got wasted and made comments about rape on Facebook. It didn’t end there, however. This “man” decided he would then go onto a woman’s photo, a woman wearing a Navy shirt who said she had recently enlisted, and make the following comment:

"You’ll end up pregnant real soon you fucking whore. If I could, and I knew you I’d hold you down and rape you."

We all do idiotic things when we’re drunk. I get that. But, rape is a serious matter, and as the old proverb says A drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts. Threatening to rape someone even via social media is actually assault per the law. Under American common law, assault is defined as creating fear of imminent harm or offensive contact with a person. If she had any information on her profile regarding her location, assault charges could be and should be possible. The longer we take shit like this as less than a serious matter, the more rape culture continues to exist.

I know that people think it’s funny to joke about rape and will argue that this is the case here (an idiot drunkenly joking about rape on the Internet), but is there ever a time when making a rape joke is actually
funny to the people who live with the threat of rape all the time? I don’t think so personally, and I doubt many women find rape jokes to be incredibly funny and appropriate. Victims of rape really don’t give a shit that you think it’s funny to joke about it like it’s not one of the most horrible, vicious things a person can do to another. If the roles were reversed and women were suddenly making jokes about things that men were more often the victims of, I’m sure that men wouldn’t think they were supposed to “have a sense of humor” and get over it. Women would be the usually crazy bitches that we are when we do things that don’t mesh with the views of the men around us (or at least some of the men…yes, I know it’s #notallmen, but keep in mind that it is most definitely #yesallwomen—whether it’s all of men or not, we all still experience the same fucked up shit as women because we’re women).

What I know to be true is that any man who values women as equals, as fellow human beings....any man who understands what rape does to a person and what it means would never, ever make that kind of joke even in drunkenness (again, a drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts).

Had this guy slept off the drunkenness and felt that maybe he crossed a few lines with his comments, I think I could let it slide. Not completely, mind you. He would still be a fucking douche because being drunk doesn’t give you a pass to be a complete fucking moron without consequences. The drunk guy who rapes his date doesn’t get a pass because he had a few drinks. The drunk who ends up thinking it’s a good idea to rob a store and ends up tragically shooting the cashier doesn’t get a get out of jail free card just because he’s drunk. And this guy doesn’t deserve anyone’s sympathy just because he was drunk either. But, here’s the thing…He didn’t think he crossed a few lines.

The next day, this is what he had to say:


So, what we have here is an entitled piece of shit who thinks it’s perfectly okay to get drunk and threaten to rape random people on the Internet. We have someone who we're supposed to hold in the highest regard because he fights for our freedoms or is willing to yet here he is hoping to rip a woman's personal freedom to shreds. Instead of truly making a sacrifice for this country, he'd rather victimize it while we're supposed to sit here thanking him for his fucking service. But, no one should care, what’s the big fucking deal anyway, get a sense of humor, right? Wrong, you arrogant fucking asshat. It’s not perfectly okay. We don’t think so and neither does the Navy who is currently investigating this issue. The public affairs officer for Naval Air Forces Pacific had this to say, “The Navy takes all allegations of sexual assault or the threat of sexual assault very seriously, so yes, we are looking into the matter. There is no place for sexual assault or even the threat of it in the Navy.” I hope this guy gets his ass booted right the fuck out and ends up with none of the benefits of an honorable discharge…


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