Saturday, May 17, 2014

There’s nothing funny about a rape joke.

No, seriously.

There is absolutely no comedic value in making a mockery of a crime in which one or more persons completely and violently invades someone’s body without permission by body part or object. There is nothing funny about overpowering someone and taking what you want. There’s nothing funny about someone having that done to them either. In fact, the way we treat this crime globally by making a mockery of it is part of the reason it’s not handled as seriously as it should be.

Not taking this seriously contributes to rape culture here and abroad. It continues to ensure that the vast majority of rape victims are too ashamed to report the crime to police, men and women alike. It ensures that when a victim does make a report, he or she is the butt of the joke and no real investigation ever happens. And, it ensures, unfortunately, that most rapists never spend time in prison. In fact, the estimates here in the United States are that 97% of rapists never spend even a day behind bars and are free to rape over and over and over again.

Just to be clear—they do. It’s not a one time thing for most of them. In most studies, people who admit to forcing themselves on a partner or date or another person do so more than once. More than twice. Repeatedly. They leave multitudes of victims in their wakes and continue to escape punishment.

That is why the Douche of the Week is none other than Miley Cyrus.

At a show in London this week, she told concert goers, “everyone’s a little gay. all it takes is one cocktail. And if that doesn’t work, sprinkle something in their drink. That’s what I always do.”

It’s not cool or sexy to talk about raping someone and to trivialize the traumatic events that rape victims have gone through. And without a doubt what she is talking about is 100% rape.

Miley, it wasn’t funny when Tosh.0 did it and he’s a fucking comedian (or so he thinks). It’s certainly not funny or acceptable when a fuckwit, spoiled brat gets on stage and encourages hundreds of people to rape.

I don’t think you can possibly get any douchier without actually being a serial rapist.

Fucking idiot.


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