Monday, September 22, 2014

I'm a Seinfeld fan.  I don't care for Jerry Seinfeld's Stand Up (makes no sense, I know), but I love the sitcom.  One of my favorite episodes is the one where Jerry is dating the woman who likes to be naked all of the time and one day he has to explain "bad naked" (like squatting or coughing while naked) to his friends who can't figure out the downside of being naked all the time. 

On my OkCupid profile, for the "Most Private Thing You're Willing to Admit" I have: I like to be naked under my clothes. Also, I shower completely in the nude. And I despise bad naked (bonus points if you get the reference).

I think I'm funny.  

Most of the time, people don't get my Seinfeld Show references, which is unfortunate because I make them all the time.  But one of the few times someone does get one... and it is this guy.  If his message wasn't weird enough... check out his profile. 

So... a hot, horny, high, and Hispanic handyman hanging out at home hoping to be your homebound houseboy.  

That's too much Alliteration.  Even for me.  Sorry Dude. 


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